Monday, December 30, 2019

Per Diem Pay

Per Diem PayPer Diem PayPer diem is Latin for per day or for each day. While per diem has several meanings, in relation to Human Resources, it is the daily allowance paid to employees for expenses incurred while traveling for geschftsleben. behauptung expenses could be for lodging, meals, tips, taxi, and other ground transportation fees. Incidental per diem traveling expenses also include such things as dry cleaning, laundry, phone use, WiFi,and room attendant tips. When Per Diem Rates Do Not Apply What a per diem rate does not cover is the cost of transportation to and from an employees distributions-mix of employment. In that case, employers either pay transportation costs separately- usually directly to the airline, train, bus, and so forth- or, the employees use their own personal source of transportation and are reimbursed according to the IRS mileage reimbursement rate. Examples of Employer Reimbursement for Travel Employers will pay an employees transportation costs se parately when an employee works at a location for the same company that is different from the location where the employee usually works. For instance, an employees job and office are located in Michigan but, once a month they travel to Pennsylvania to work out of a different regional office for several days. Another example is if an employee trains new employees at their companys locations all over the country and an overnight stay is required at each location. Yet another example is an HR staff person who usually works at the companys main headquarters but each time the company opens a new location she works for a period of time at the new location while she hires and brings staff onboard. All three of these situations would work well with the company paying the employee a per diem because the travel is frequent or lengthy. As such, employees are happy because they dont have to record all expenditures and save receipts as proof. Nor do they need to spend time filling out expense re ports. Setting Per Diem Rates An employer sets per diem rates based on a number of factors. These include the cost of travel-related expenses at various locations, the length of time the employee travels away from the office, and the current Federal per diem rate. Most employers use the Federal per diem rate and the U.S. General Services Administration (GSA) is the governing body that establishes Federal per diem rates each year on October 1. The GSA establishes travel policy including per diem rates (but only) for federal employees on official travel away from their local station, or areas of job location, as defined by their agency. Companies tend to use the Federal per diem rate because per diem payments above the Federal rate are taxable income for employees on their W-2 forms. For more about the intricacies of per diems and taxation, see per diem rates at U.S. Business Law and Taxes. Understandably, the per diem rates of employers are normally set at different amounts for d ifferent locations and vary by the level of travel expenses the employee will experience. Employees traveling to Las Vegas, NV, for example, receive approximately one-third the per diem reimbursement that an employee traveling to New York City would receive based on local expenses (in Federal rates). Benefits of the Per Diem Rate Employees are spared the time that they would otherwise invest in keeping track of expenses, saving receipts, and filling out expense reports when they return to the office. Employees are allowed to keep the money that they dont spend while traveling which can encourage thrift and discourage overspending. The employer benefits because they dont have to invest staff time reviewing expenses, vetting the amount of money spent, and the employees time spent filling out paperwork. In essence, the employer is saying that they have budgeted the amount of money they are willing to spend on employee travel and the employee was notified before they incurred the ex penses. The per diem process can result in substantial savings for the employer as opposed to businesses that pay actual employee expenses. And of course, it is unwise and anti-employee to expect employees to cover their own expenses when they travel on legitimate business pursuits. Per Diem Employment In some occupations and industries, per diem can also refer to short-term, temporary employment. This daily schedule usually consists of several days of employment for a per diem employee asked to fill in for a sick or vacationing employee. Two examples are substitute teachers and health care workers that are paid by the day.

Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Surviving Coast Guard Boot Camp

Surviving Coast Guard Boot CampSurviving Coast Guard Boot CampJust like the Air Force and the Navy, the Coast Guard only has one location for enlisted boot camp Cape May, New Jersey. Male and female recruits train together. Coast Guard boot camp is run just like any other military boot camp. Expect to spend a total of 53 days in Cape May. Before You Leave for Coast Guard Boot Camp One of the first things youll experience at Cape May is a complete search of your personal possessions. Anything leid approved will be confiscated and stored until after graduation. Set up a bank account (with an ATM card) before you leave. All of your military pay will be made by direct deposit. Bring $50 in cash in small bills to cover purchases during boot camp. If you are married, bring a copy of your marriage certificate. This will be required to start up your housing allowance and to complete paperwork for your spouses military ID card. As with the other services, no smoking is allowed during boot camp. If you dont know how to swim, try to learn before you leave for boot camp. Soon after you arrive, youll be screened for swimming skills, and those that cant swim will have to undergo special instruction. Memorize Coast Guard ranksbefore you leave. This will be one of the first things youll be required to study. Youll also want to know the Coast Guard Core Values and your Basic Training chain of command. Medication in Boot Camp Over-the-counter medication is not allowed in basic training. If you bring any with you, it will be taken away. All prescription medication will be re-evaluated by a military doctor upon arrival. If the doctor determines that the prescription is necessary, the civilian medication will be taken away, and the recruit will be re-issued the medication by the military pharmacy. This includes birth control pills. Family Communication During Coast Guard Boot Camp Before you leave home, tell your family that if an emergency arises (a real emergency, suc h as a death or serious illness in the immediate family) they should contact you through the Red Cross. Within three days of arriving, youll be sending a preprinted postcard home that has your company address on it. Its a good idea to call your family from the USO after you arrive. You are allowed to bring your cell phone, but you may not receive or make personal phone calls for granted liberty on Sunday of the final two weeks of training. Any future phone calls you make while in boot camp will be at the discretion of your Company Commander. First Day at Coast Guard Boot Camp No matter what time you arrive at Cape May, your first day will not end until about 0030 (1230 a.m.). Once you hit the racks on that first night, you wont have much time for sleep. A Company Commander will be screaming and yelling at you at 0530 (530 a.m.). You will begin your adventures with the Coast Guard upon arriving at Philadelphia International Airport. Once you arrive, you are required to retrieve y our bags, then report immediately to the USO. When the bus arrives at the Recruit Processing Center on Cape May, you will be greeted by your Company Commander (CC). It may not be the friendliest of greetings, but youll know youve arrived. Next, youll begin the in-processing tasks. Youll be issued a book known as the Helmsman, and anytime you are not actively doing something, the CCs will expect you to be reading this book. Youll spend your first hours of boot camp filling out forms and giving a urine to test for drugs and alcohol. Women will also be given a pregnancy test. Virtually every task youre ordered to do is timed five seconds to write a name on a tag, ten seconds to find the paperwork, etc. And a Company Commander provides cadence, like a countdown. If you make a mistake, you will be yelled at. Its that simple mistake equals yelling. Its all part of the process to build a disciplined member of the Coast Guard. In-Processingat Coast Guard Boot Camp The next two days will be spent filling out forms and getting military haircuts. Youll undergo medical and dental screenings, get a whole bunch of shots, and receive your first uniform issue. Anytime youre not actively doing something, youll have your head buried in your Helmsman book. On the second day, youll undergo a urinalysis test. You cannot wear contact lenses during basic training. You can only wear your civilian glasses until you receive a pair of military-issue glasses, which are what youll wear for the majority of boot camp. Once you graduate from basic training, you can wear your civilian glasses again, as long as they conform to military dress and appearance regulations. On the fourth day, your entire company will be escorted to meet your Company Commander and his/her assistants. This day starts your official boot camp training. Coast Guard Boot Camp Week One The first week will be the toughest. Just like the other military boot camps, youll probably find that nobody does anything right during this first week of training. During this time, the CC is going to be evaluating everyone to hand out additional duties. Every day starts at 0530 (except Sundays when you get to sleep 15 minutes later), and lights out is at 2200 (1000 p.m.). During the first week, youll be introduced to drill and begin (almost) daily physical exercises. Additionally, youll undergo a class on the Uniform Code of Military Justice, where you will learn about punishable offenses. In the Coast Guard, if you fall behind on training, you can be reverted. This means sending you back to another company several days (or weeks) behind your current unit This is the primary threat that CCs use to keep troops motivated. Like the other services, you can earn demerits when you do something wrong (the Coast Guard calls them performance indicators or performance trackers). Coast Guard Boot Camp Weeks Two and Three The serious classroom work begins during week two. Youll receive classes on military civil rig hts, stress management, the Coast Guard boot camp chain of command, rates andranks, and addressing military personnel (Officers are called Sir, or Maam, enlisted are addressed by their rank and last name). Youll also take a survival float test. During the third week, youll get training in the Freedom of Information Act, deckhand protective equipment, sexual harassment, the Montgomery GI Bill, Coast Guard history, Coast Guard missions and traditions, deck seamanship, advancements, lines, knots and marlinspike, an introduction to the 9mm handgun. Unlike the other military services, you wont get to fire the M-16 rifle in Coast Guard basic training, but you will get a chance to fire the 9mm during week four of your training. Coast Guard Boot Camp Week Four During the fourth week, the training courses will include leave and liberty, rating and nonrating duties, classified material, uniform devices, vessels and aircraft, performance evaluations, and the assignment process. Youll also visit the 9mm handgun range and fire the M-9 handgun. At the end of the fourth week, youll take mid-term exams, covering everything youve learned to this point. If you fail the exam, youre allowed one re-test. If you fail the retest, expect to be rephased to learn it all over again. Also during the fourth week, youll take your PT test. If you fail this test, youll be required to get up each day one hour before everyone else and attend the special training. If you cannot complete the requirements by the seventh week of training, youll be reverted. In order to graduate Coast Guard Boot Camp, you will have to meet the following physical standards EventMaleFemalePush-ups (60 sec)2915Sit-ups (60 sec)3832Run (1.5 miles)12511526Sit and Reach16.5019.29Complete a swim circuitTread water for 5 minutesJump off a 6-foot platform and swim 100 meters About halfway through the fourth week, your company will finally get its company colors. To celebrate, the Company Commanders take the entire compan y down the beach for a few hours of incentive training exercises. At the end of the fourth week, you will fill out an Assignment Data Card (ADC). This is how you tell the Coast Guard which assignment you want. You request your assignment first by geographic location, then type of unit (i.e. cutter, small boat station, patrol boat, etc.) Coast Guard Boot Camp Weeks Five and Six In the fifth week, youll learn about deck maintenance and painting, survival equipment, boat crew and buoyancy, Coast Guard terms, ethical conduct, personal floatation devices, emergency drills, emergency equipment, flags, and pennants, and youll take a personal finance class. At the end of the fifth week, youll find out what your next duty station is going to be. The week after that youll get training in fire prevention, fire extinguishing methods, firefighting equipment, engineering, watchstanding, hose handling techniques, and career counseling. Coast Guard Boot Camp Week Seven During this week, you ll get training on heaving lines, line handling, and review the Coast Guard alcohol and drug policy. The seventh week is the big one. This is the week of your final exam and final PT test for those who are in remedial PT training. You must reisepass both in order to graduate. If you fail either one, you get one retest. If you fail the retest, expect to be reverted to an earlier company to try again later. If you pass your final exam and PT Test and havent racked up performance indicators, at the end of week seven youll get an eight-hour pass to go off base. Graduation From Coast Guard Boot Camp The final week is a breeze. Youll receive your assignment, and do the paperwork to prepare for graduation and departure. Youll receive some classes on first aid and prepare for your assignment. Finally, on Friday morning, youll march in the graduation parade. During the graduation ceremony, awards will be presented. The Coast Guard awards the honor graduate ribbon to the top three percent of each graduating company. Individual awards are also given for the highest achievements in academics, seamanship, leadership, manual of arms proficiency, pistol expert fire, physical fitness and for the best shipmate. The Coast Guard is different from the other military services, in that all of the out-processing (assignment) is done before graduation, so recruits are free to depart Cape May immediately after the graduation ceremony.

Saturday, December 21, 2019

What Online Learning Can Do For Your Career

What Online Learning Can Do For Your CareerOnline Learning Can Help Your CareerWhat Online Learning Can Do For Your Careerno

Monday, December 16, 2019

How to Reduce the Employer Liability at Holiday Parties

How to Reduce the Employer Liability at Holiday PartiesHow to Reduce the Employer Liability at Holiday PartiesThe increased recognition that alcohol consumption at organization-sponsored events creates significant legal liability has had an impact on that traditional institution, the company holiday cocktailparty- but this impact is elend necessarily pervasive or severe. Organizations are carefully weighing the pros and cons and trusting employees to act as professionals has so far won the day In an extensive 2015 survey of employers, the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) found that a majority of organizations (59 percent) planned to serve alcohol at their holiday or end-of-year parties. And only half of these employers (47 percent) said that they would seek to regulate alcohol consumption through methods such as providing drink tickets or a drink maximum (71 percent of respondents were in this category),serving only certain types of alcohol (for example, making wine and b eer, but not spirits available at the party) (25 percent),having a cash bar (18 percent), orother (11 percent). Moreover, the SHRM 2015 survey found that year-round, a third of organizations (33 percent) have either a formal or informal policy that allows employees to drink alcohol at work-related events. (Each employee needs to determine if drinking alcohol at company events is for them.) Companies schedule and plan holiday parties with the best of intentions, to reward their employees, boost morale and encourage team spirit. But these gatherings, especially when alcohol is served, can turn into an environment for unwanted sexual advances and potentially illegal employee conduct if the employer is not careful. That is especially the case when the holiday party is held at an offsite location (which, according to the SHRM 2015 survey, is the case in nearly 67 percent of such functions). In a social setting outside of the workplace, an employee whose inhibitions are lowered by alcohol consumption can engage in behavior that he or she would never consider doing on the job. Employers Worries Extend From Harassment to Employee Fatalities Holidayparties often bring more than just intoxicated high jinks. Being merry can sometimes mean crossing the line, ranging from offending a coworker to violating the law. Moreover, in todays real-time social media environment, drunken shenanigans at aholiday party can quickly be posted online for the whole world to see. The first two actions an employer needs to take prior to the holiday party include reminding employees that respect and professionalism apply not only on work time but also at company-sponsored events such as office parties. And secondly, employers need to establish social media policies that prohibit employees from posting photographs or video without management permission in social media. These are two good initial steps, but far more needs to be done to deal with the more serious legal issues. Employees are protected from sexual harassment and discrimination by Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, which covers employers having 15 or more employees (including regular part-time ones). Title VII provides two requirements for conduct to trigger potential liability for unlawful harassment The conduct must be unwelcome andThe conduct must be sufficiently severe or pervasive. It need not be both. Conduct is not illegal simply because it is inappropriate or makes a coworker feel uncomfortable.However, even a single, extremely serious incident of harassment may be sufficient to constitute a Title VII violation, especially if the harassment is physical. So, if an office party incident follows previous incidents of misconduct, it could constitute the evidence necessary to reach the severe or pervasive threshold, ?which lays the foundation for a Title VII claim. A second major legal liability is created by drunk driving following an employer-sponsored holiday party.In a 2013 court decision t hat received substantial publicity, a California appellate court reversed the trial courts grant of summary judgment for the employer. They found that an employee who consumed alcohol at a company-sponsored event and, after leaving, struck another car and killed the driver created liability for the employer. It is irrelevant that foreseeable effects of the employees negligent conduct (here, the car accident) occurred at a time the employee was no longer acting within the scope of his or her employment, the court ruled. Proactive Steps to Consider at the Holiday Party Given such legal risks, prudent employers should take these six additional proactive steps to lessen their litigation liability.Key examples of actions that are recommended for employers to consider include Have in place comprehensive, written anti-harassment policies, clearly stated in employee handbooks- and publicize that policy prior to the holiday party.Send a memo reminding employees to act responsibly at the party, clearly expressing a lack of tolerance for any inappropriate behavior including drunkenness.Enforce the workplace dress code at the party to avoid any inappropriate or suggestive attire and let the employees know your expectations in advance.Make attendance at the party voluntary, and do not suggest that attendance will benefit a persons standing within the company. If alcohol is served, set a tone of moderation in advance through interoffice memos, emails, meetings, inserts into paychecks or other communications, and stress that excessive alcohol consumption will not be tolerated.Limit the number of drinks or the length of time during which alcohol will be served, and provide substantial non-alcoholic alternatives. Serve plenty of food and ensure that alcohol consumption is not the focus of the event. Such steps are not a guarantee against holiday party problems, particularly if the decision is made to serve alcohol.But they can be an employers foundation for an effective de fense against liability if problems should come to pass. Consider though that ten reasons exist about why employees often loath office holiday parties and take this into consideration as you plan your annual holiday bash.

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

42 Inspiring Quotes from Fictional Characters- The Muse

42 Inspiring Quotes from Fictional Characters- The Muse42 Inspiring Quotes from Fictional Characters- The MuseHave you ever heard something in a Meredith Grey voiceover that stayed with you? Or maybe youve responded to a friends promotion by saying With great power comes great responsibility- and then, later, realized you were quoting Spider-Man?Youre not alone. I quote fictional scholars all the time. And while my colleagues would probably appreciate it if I didnt quote entire scenes from Friends as frequently as I do in important meetings, sometimes a quote from Dumbledore is all you need to get through the rest of a long work week. Thankfully, our friends at pulled together the infographic below.Believers Its time to enjoy some classic Ferris Bueller and Star Wars wisdom (among a few other notables). Skeptics Just try to read through this list and not feel inspired.Read More35 Inspirational Graduation Quotes Everyone Should Hear23 Sheryl Sandberg Quotes Thatll Motivate Y ou to Do Just About Anything10 Quotes Thatll Make You FearlessInfographic courtesy of Photo of Dumbledore courtesy of manga Vine.

Friday, December 6, 2019

The Ultimate Solution for Salesforce Developer Resume You Can Learn About Today

The Ultimate Solution for Salesforce Developer Resume You Can Learn About Today Your user count is among them. Ideally, you shouldnt create code for something which can be carried out declaratively with the application. In the early days, it was simple to understand all the features well and stay informed about the typical updates. The email also includes a test take code which youll need to supply. The Dirty Facts About Salesforce Developer Resume The certifications are collected by salesforce. Salesforce offers lots of distinct certifications focussing on various regions of the solution. On the way, you will learn the fundamentals of Salesforce whilst earning points and badges. If youre certified based on each version, your certification is very good for a couple of years from the date it was attained. The Little-Known Secrets to Salesforce Developer Resume Well, its tricky defining the upcoming development of a Salesforce Developer. Communication is crucial. Now, on ce you are sure of career paths and the way to progress as a Salesforce Developer. Today, Companies need custom solutions which are completely tailored to their business needs and can offer maximum returns in the future. It is only a notion of average salaries. However, your customers are moving away after some weeks. That usually means you either already know Lightning, or the corporation is going to have to train you. Salesforce has matured enough that companies are interested in experienced individuals with an established understanding of the platform and hands-on experience. Social networking is an excellent way to construct your network and engage with others locally. Strong understanding of consumer relationship management together with online engagement. Whats Actually Happening with Salesforce Developer Resume Process builder gives you the ability to do mora than a very simple workflow would. To be sure your new developer is going to be a superior fit, dont forge t to check with different employees they might work with to find out whats vital to them, also, and use it to refine a concise collection of bulleted specifications. The Process Builders simple and highly effective design enables you to build customize the automated course of action. Technology like ours includes the capability to track both what web-based application is used and what parts of that application are used. Each certification has a study guide which lists the topics that are going to be covered, therefore it offers you an objective and target for your study. So that the important thing here isnt to fit in, yet to stand out. It does require the understanding of when code is essential, but you dont need to understand how to code yourself. If thats the case, get acquainted with the facts, but in addition attempt to use the functionality yourself in a trial or test org. A dev role will demand you have SKILLS. Candidates also have to be acquainted with the developm ent lifecycle and have understanding of the available environments. Individuals will assume youre not updated with technology. Now, dont neglect to receive your questions prepared for the employer also. Once you are finished with the test, you will receive the result straight away. Its also wise to take practice tests to get acquainted with the style of questions in the true test. In the majority of the circumstances, you arent going to get the interview call in the event the anfangsbuchstabe phase is so embarrassing. The exact first bullet point for each job ought to be its very best. But, theres some simple information I can give that may help you earn a choice. With a larger resume, this is difficult to locate the important bullets and significant content on your resume. At this time you dont will need to get a popular blog to find an awesome Salesforce job. Hiring Salesforce developers is a procedure for spending a very good quantity of time looking through resume t emplates. Its an enjoyable and quick approach to start with your Salesforce learning journey. Salesforces YouTube channel is also a fantastic resource for those people who like video learning. The web is your best friend and the majority of the Google your details even if youre added on some placement website. For this intention, you ought to read blogs, latest updates associated with Salesforce, or attend seminars to understand whats new to learn within this area. Whether you are a newcomer to Salesforce or a seasoned Admin looking to receive a better position I have 5 tips you ought to check off your list before you get started shopping around. Go through the blog to learn more Salesforce DX is a new method to control and develop Salesforce apps across the whole lifecycle. A true Salesforce Developer knows the way to use innovative coding ideas and select the programming only when its needed. Salesforce covers so much functionality, its possible that even if youve worked with Salesforce for a while, you havent utilized a number of the characteristics that are covered in the exam. To learn Salesforce does not call for any specific background.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

How To Talk About Organizational Leadership With Candidates

How To Talk About Organizational Leadership With CandidatesAs you interview job candidates, youll need to hit on hot button issues they inevitably want to know more about. Things like salary, the kinds of clients you work with, upcoming projects, and job expectations need to be discussed to enaya that everyone is on the same page. However, potential new hires will also have questions about the kinds of people leading your organization.Remember, as much as youre weighing whether a job candidate would be a good fit for your business, behauptung professionals are also analyzing whether your organization would mesh well with their own values and preferences. The kind of leadership that exists within a business plays a large role in that choice. Heres how to effectively talk about your organizational leadership in a way that makes sense to job candidatesHighlight the vision and values of leadershipMany professionals involved with hiring know the importance of painting a companys vision an d values clearly to a would-be new employee. They want this individual to get a sense of what working for this business is all about. How do new ideas get developed? How are projects tackled? What is the energy within the office like? While all of this is an essential parte of the interviewing process, sometimes people forget to go even further. Beyond talking about what the company stands for, dig deeper and touch on what the managers within that business are like, as they directly contribute to company culture. Do they value new ideas? How about constructive criticism? Do they like to promote from within? What kind of review process do they have in place for their employees when it comes to raises and feedback? The kind of manager you work for contributes significantly to an employees experience, so make sure to give an accurate and honest assessment of what top organizational leadership is like.Give real examples about how they communicateEven if this individual isnt on the payro ll yet, you can be certain that theyll appreciate some insight into how their potential manager communicates. Do they send a barrage of emails at 5 a.m. when they get up to swim laps before the workday begins? If so, do they expect an instant response from their team at this hour, or is a reply at a more reasonable time acceptable? Is their manager respectful about not texting or emailing in the evening once everyone has gone home? What kind of attitude have they adopted toward employee vacations? Do they still expect team members to be reachable, or are they more of the mindset that they should have a good time, unwind, and relax? Be honest when discussing this topic, because this can often influence someones final decision about whether this business would be a good fit for them. Even if it turns out the managers viewpoint on work is too out of sync with the candidates own, its better to know before you make an offer, get this partie trained, and then 90 days in have to find someo ne new to fill their role when they quit.Give some insight and background into their personalitiesBeyond just communication style, job candidates can benefit from learning about their potential managers on a human level, too. Is Manager A an extrovert who can chat with anyone or is she more of an introverted type who prefers one-on-one discussions? Perhaps Manager B is a highly regimented individual who appreciates receiving meeting notes in advance, or maybe hes a more go-with-the-flow type who prefers to let everyone brainstorm as a group and doesnt want a strict schedule to stifle things. This background information helps to paint a clear picture of what day-to-day office life would be like for a new employee. You dont need to start talking about how many children or dogs the manager has has or whether they spend their free time on the meerbusen course or volunteering, but taking a few minutes to reflect on the type of professional they are is valuable.Illustrate the kinds of peo ple who have had success in the pastJust because a certain type of person has succeeded within this organization in the past, doesnt mean that type of individual will succeed in the future. Theres always room for different personality types within a business. In fact, diversity is important for growth. However, understanding trends can help recruiters and hiring managers predict to some degree of accuracy whether this kind of employee will be successful in the future.Tell jobseekers about employee success stories so theyll know if they can do the same.Click To TweetWhile a recruiter or other hiring personnel can do their best to give a potential employee specific insight about what a manager and an office are like, leadership can and should be directly involved in the process. When managers step in and take an active role in the hiring process, theyre able to offer candidates a three-dimensional look at office life. Rather than having to take a recruiters word for it or trust the in formation they read on a website, the job seeker is able to get a sense of what their boss would be like, should they accept a position. If youre a manager looking to become more involved in the hiring process, here are some easy steps to takeRecord a short video introduction that greets candidates as they go through the interview processEven if its not feasible to attend each and every interview your hiring manager goes through, you can make an impression on potential hires. Record a short video introducing yourself to the candidate, including a few facts about yourself and why you love working for the company. The piece doesnt have to be long to make an impression. Even just a minute or two is enough to be impactful.Be involved in the processThe hiring process is time consuming, but getting involved in any way you can will pay dividends when it comes to finding an employee who is actually a good fit for your business. Make it a point to sit in on interviews when appropriate. While you may not find it necessary to be present for the earliest vetting sessions, being around for later interviews allows you to weigh in on whether you believe this person would be a good fit for your team.If a candidate is getting a tour of the office, say hello, and field any questions they may have. If your hiring manager is doing video interviews, make it a point to watch several of these pre-recorded replies from potential new hires so you can get a sense of the kind of people who may be joining your staff. Add a human element to your websiteCompany websites are more important than ever before when it comes time to fill an open role. Candidates look at these sites for information about the job, as well as a sense of what this business is all about. Does the company appear to be fun and creative? Professional and buttoned-up? Somewhere in between? While theyre combing through the site for details on the position and where to submit materials to apply, they might also be looking for some clues about the kinds of people they would be working alongside. To paint this picture even more clearly, many businesses rely on a separate section that details the companys management professionals. This section can include either candid photographs or headshots of the managers, as well as short bios about these people. Depending on the kind of company, you might also consider adding a few fun, irreverent questions to give an even better look at who this individual is.Use your website to show the human side of company leadership. recruitingtipsClick To TweetBusinesses need to be held accountable when it comes to analyzing their top leadership, and how these individuals impact the hiring process. The way managers interface with employees directly impacts turnover rates and recruiting abilities, as well as the ability to nab word-of-mouth referrals from current team members. Therefore, its essential that these individuals are representing the company in the best possible wa y. Here are some ways businesses can ensure their managers are aiding with recruiting efforts properlyPut a process into place to review leaders regularlyIn order to talk accurately about your organizational leadership, you need to have an up-to-date, non-biased opinion on what these management professionals are all about. When youre all working together for years on end, it can be easy to get so acclimated to someones leadership style that you dont realize when problems begin to develop. Someone may begin abusing their power within the company or may stop taking their role as seriously as they need to, but the shift happens over such a long period of time that its almost indistinguishable to long-time colleagues. To prevent this from happening, youll need a system of checks and balances to keep you aware of changes. Asking each leader to periodically go through a review process ensures the brands management is always making the best possible decisions for the company. You can feel certain that year in and year out, these individuals are making the organization a great place for both veteran and new employees to work.Employ self-analysis techniquesEach employee within the business, regardless of their level, should also be encouraged to partake in regular self-analysis in order to ensure that theyre contributing positively to that organization. Those who dont regularly stop and reflect on what theyre doing well and where they can improve will eventually stall out. This lack of enthusiasm can spread to new hires, creating a toxic environment for everyone involved. Whether this time for self-analysis is designated by management or simply encouraged on ones own timetable, its an important part of making sure the business continues to evolve.Consider the use of personality testsUnderstanding what kinds of people typically succeed within your business is an important part of hiring successfully in the future. Its great to say, We usually do well with extroverted pe ople or We look for creative types, but in reality, it also helps to go deeper than that. Many hiring professionals find value in exploring the personality types of both current employees and potential new hires. Instead of just guessing what kinds of people you have working for you, learn a little more about these individuals. How do they work in groups? How do they communicate? How do they process information? Use this information to inform your hiring process, ensuring that youre building a team that will remain diverse yet cohesive.Use personality tests so you know what type of talent produces the best results. recruitmentClick To TweetWhile it may seem as if a job interview is all about salary, benefits, and a discussion about the kinds of project that business handles, in reality, discussing the leadership found within that organization is an essential part of the dialogue, too. Professionals are heavily invested in the notion of company culture today, so they want to know who theyre going to work for and what it will be like when they arrive on their first day. Giving them this description, free of sugarcoating or dramatizing, allows them to evaluate whether the organization appears to be a good fit for them. Just as youre analyzing their fit, theyre analyzing whether their values align with what your business offers, so providing as much information as possible is crucial. What are some other points about organizational leadership do you need to discuss with candidates? Share in the comments below

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Friday, November 22, 2019

Master these 7 grammar tips if you want to sound smarter

Master these 7 grammar tips if you want to sound smarterMaster these 7 grammar tips if you want to sound smarterAs the executive editor of Avenue Magazine, a luxury lifestyle publication based in New York City, I see the importance of proper grammar every day. But you dont have to work in publishing to realize the necessity of good writing. Misplaced commas, an incorrect spelling, or a missing hyphen can change the meaning of a sentence.Language rules exist for clarity. A classic example is the sentence Lets eat mom, which reads much differently from Lets eat, mom. In the first, the writer is having her mom for dinner. In the second, she is urging her mom to eat with her.Dont get caught up in an email chain of miscommunication. Read on for seven tips on how to improve your English expertise.Read frequentlyWriting well can become second nature to those who also read well. Pay attention to how authors structure their sentences and how they use commas and sentence length to adjust tone and cadence. Reading can help to increase vocabulary. If you dont know where to begin, ask colleagues for reading suggestions specific to your field, or browse best-selling book lists (heres a great list of business books).Ladders is now on SmartNewsDownload the SmartNews app and add the Ladders channel to read the latest career news and advice wherever you go.To write well, you must also understand the basics of the English language - how sentences are composed, the different parts of speech, subject/verb agreement, tense, and punctuation. Pick up a copy of Stephen Kings On Writing for a fresh take on writing rules.Memorize homophonesTheres no way around it - many rules in the English language require memorization. Among the most frequently committed grammatical errors are misused homophones, which are rogers that sound the same but have different meanings.Youre/your, there/their/theyre, its/its, and then/than are all commonly confused. An easy tool to help with contractions is t o remember that they are derived from two words. Youre is you are theyre is they are and its is it is. Then is used to indicate time, whereas than is used as a comparison.Learn first-person singular pronounsSentences often call for choosing the correct first-person singular pronoun - either I or me. Remember that I is a subject pronoun, whereas me is an object pronoun. A helpful way to determine word choice is to remove any other subjects.For example, consider the sentence My roommate and I/me went to the store. If you think about the sentence as I went to the store or Me went to the store, its more obvious that I is correct.I is the subject of the verb to be.Learn how to use commasAs a very broad rule of thumb, commas are used to indicate pauses in a sentence. They should not be used in place of a period. For example, We went to the baseball field, it was fun is incorrect.But We went to the baseball field, and it was fun is correct, as commas can be used to separate two independen t clauses when joined by coordinating conjunctions like and, or, or but. Commas are also used to separate three or more phrases in a series, after an introductory clause or phrase, and to set off nonessential clauses or phrases.Beware the dangling modifierA dangling modifier is a word or phrase that doesnt have a clear subject. After reviewing your notes, the conclusion remains elusive contains a dangling modifier. Who is reviewing the notes? The sentence should be rewritten to say, After reviewing your notes, I am unable to come to a conclusion.Stay activeAll sentences are identified as being either active or passive. In an active sentence, the subject performs the action. The girl ate the salad is an active sentence.In a passive sentence, the subject of the sentence is also the subject of the action. The salad was eaten by the girl is a passive sentence. Though both are grammatically correct, passive sentence structures often lead to more errors, including dangling modifiers, misp laced commas, and run-on sentences. Sticking to the active voice will help ensure clarity.Proofread, and read your piece out loudA common cause of poor writing is time, as writers often power through emails and memos, giving a document a cursory glance before sending it to colleagues or clients. Step away from your piece before you submit it, and give it a thorough proofread.Reading your writing in a new form - for example, on paper instead of on a screen in a different font or out loud - can be helpful in finding typos or grammatical errors.Speaking aloud will also help you to catch redundancies - phrases like 3 a.m. in the morning and $2 million dollars are redundant because a.m. indicates morning, and the word dollars is a repetition of the dollar sign.This article originally appeared on Business Insider.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

How to Be the Big Recruiter on Campus

How to Be the Big Recruiter on Campus How to Be the Big Recruiter on Campus Adapt These 7 Steps for Maximum Campus Career Fair Victory1. Promote Prior to the EventIf you know you will be attending a career fair in the near future, tell the world Promoting on social media can be the fastest and most effective way to get the word out there. Forty-two percentof companies say that candidate quality has improved thanks to social recruiting. Give the students something to look forward to beforehand, and they will know exactly which booth to beelineto when the floodgates open.2. Be PreparedWhat is the main reason for attending? Is it for the internship program? Is it for one or two entry-level positions? Part-time work? Identifying the purpose of the trip will help focus you when trying to weed out all of the walk-ups. Set your parameters early in order to filter out the number of students that automatically do not qualify.3. Dont OverdressStudents carefully choose what they wear to an in terview. They want to convey how professional and put-together they are while still feeling comfortable enough to be themselves. You should put as much thought into what you wear as well If your everyday attire is nota full formal suit, dont wear that to a career fair. Represent the company culture through your effortless ensemble.With 89 percent ofhiring failures attributed to poor cultural fit, a genuine representation through attire can be telling. Business causal is way less intimidating and far less off-putting than a full formal get-up.4. Polish Your BoothA clean and well-designed booth is a must for employer brand appeal and image. Fifty-six percentof professionals rank talent brand as the most important factor when picking a job. A logo banner and tablecloth are obvious necessities, but what about the giveaways? If you have small trinket collateral, great Neatly present it on your table, but please do not create clutter. Less is more. The main focus should be on the company and you. Dontcongest the area with starbursts, flimsy highlighters, oruseless USB drives.5. Initiate ContactAre you nervous? Doesnt matter. The students are 10 times as nervous as you are. They just came from a300-level course stressing how pivotal internships are to their futures. Many will be too intimidated or shy to initiate contact, so start building arapport through easy questions.Inquire about their major, or ask if you could tell them about your company.6. MobilizeFifty percentof career sites are not optimized for mobile and, only 20 percent of Fortune 500 companies have mobile career sites. If you want these idealistic near-graduates to believe you are the innovative company you just told them you were, yourcareer site better be user-friendly when they log on while waiting for the inter-campus shuttle.7. Follow UpA well-received company at a career fair could have piles of kompetenzprofil candidates. Use this pool to reach out to ones that you have mentally tagged as strong leads. What to do after your software has scrubbed the influx of applicants, leaving you with your discards? Follow up with them too. A recent survey conduced by an CandEs reported that only 9 percent of applicants received emails notifying them they were not being considered for the job. At short, a 10-second message is transparent and proactive. It will not hurt your employer brand image as much as silence will.Career fairs can be exciting, stressful, and fruitful. Your behavior contributes as much to the days success as the quality of the candidate pool does. Following these easy seven tips will guide you on your way to hiring glory at the campus career fair. Dont you miss college?